Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bang, crunch, bang bang bang...

Yes dear readers, you have guessed correctly. I'm currently sat in a rather broken NOG, waiting for help to arrive, in the form of a 'new' rear diff. I was merrily winging my way along the A523 towards Landranger services, there intending to further lighten my already light wallet, when I smelt burning, but couldn't work out from whence it was coming from. A couple of miles later there were some resounding thuds and bangs, and drive was lost. Having little choice, I pulled over, and found that NOG had eaten her third back diff in as many thousand miles. The operation which followed is becomming rather too familiar, but soon the dead diff was sat on the floor, with most of the nose bearing races in a heap next to it... Some rapid ringing sound the great OLLR machine followed, with the result that as I type the spare diff is travelling towards me in a very kind members motor. Thanks Glen. I'll post some pictures of the gore up on monday, as I doubt the phone is clever enough to upload its own pics...

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